អារម្មណ៍ទីផ្សារ Bitcoin ផ្លាស់ប្តូរនៅពេលដែលអាស៊ីប្រែពីអ្នកទិញសុទ្ធទៅជាអ្នកលក់សុទ្ធ


This metric shows the 30-day change in the regional price set during Asia, US, and EU working hours, i.e., between 8 am and 8 pm.


  • A thesis I have covered for a substantial amount of time is that Asia is the លុយឆ្លាត of the Bitcoin ecosystem, but 2023 has put that thesis into question.
  • Asia purchased Bitcoin for many years when prices were suppressed, notably in May 2021 (China Ban) and May 2022 (Luna collapse).
  • Asia also offloaded Bitcoin during the peak of the 2021 bull run (January and November), while the West was a net purchaser.
  • Bitcoin is of great value in 2023 as a buyer; in terms of market and realized cap ដក.
  • Asia has been a net seller in 2023; therefore, I believe the thesis is in question.
Asia vs West: (Source: Glassnode)
Asia vs. West: (Source: Glassnode)

ប្រកាស អារម្មណ៍ទីផ្សារ Bitcoin ផ្លាស់ប្តូរនៅពេលដែលអាស៊ីប្រែពីអ្នកទិញសុទ្ធទៅជាអ្នកលក់សុទ្ធ បានបង្ហាញខ្លួនជាលើកដំបូង CryptoSlate.

Source: https://cryptoslate.com/insights/bitcoin-market-sentiment-shifts-as-asia-turns-from-net-buyers-to-net-sellers/