មុនពេល Crypto Lender Celsius គាំង នាយកប្រតិបត្តិ Alex Mashinsky ត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ថាសម្រាប់គំនិតធំ និងសមរភូមិ

For some 30 years, Alex Mashinsky barreled into whatever was the hot technology of the time, promising revolutions in long-distance calling, airport rides and, most recently, crypto. He often left a trail of unhappy friends, colleagues and investors.

His latest venture, Celsius Network LLC, pitched itself as both safe and subversive. It was a way for regular people to tap the moneymaking potential of crypto, and to upend traditional banking. Last month, Celsius filed for bankruptcy protection, and its customers worry they might never get their money back.

Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/before-crypto-lender-celsius-crashed-ceo-alex-mashinsky-was-known-for-big-ideas-and-battles-11659787202?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo