BitKeep crypto wallets ត្រូវបានគេលួចចូល បន្ទាប់ពីចោរបង្កើតកម្មវិធី Android 'មិនផ្លូវការ'

BitKeep user wallets have been hacked and funds stolen.

The theft appears to have occurred on unofficial APK package downloads that were hijacked and installed with code implanted by hackers. Some $8 million in assets have been លួច, according to PeckShield, a blockchain security services company.

“Today’s currency theft incident is mainly due to the hijacking of 7.2.9 APK. If you are using the APK version, it is very likely that it is not the official version. So please transfer the funds to BitKeep Chrome plug-in wallet as soon as possible, or the app downloaded from the official store, and create a new wallet address and keep your mnemonic phrase safe,” the ក្រុមហ៊ុន said in a Telegram chat.  

BitKeep didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment via Telegram.

BitKeep urged those using the APK version of the app to transfer the funds to a wallet downloaded from another official store such as the App Store or Google Play. 

“If your wallet is stolen, please submit relevant materials in the form as soon as possible, we will figure out the solution and assist as soon as possible,” BitKeep said.

រក្សាសិទ្ធិគ្រប់យ៉ាងដោយឆ្នាំ ២០២០ ។ អត្ថបទនេះត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជូនសម្រាប់គោលបំណងព័ត៌មានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ វាមិនត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជូនឬមានបំណងត្រូវបានប្រើជាច្បាប់ពន្ធការវិនិយោគហិរញ្ញវត្ថុឬដំបូន្មានផ្សេងទៀតទេ។
