កាក់ Quantstamp (QSP) កើនឡើង 51% ក្នុងសប្តាហ៍មុន៖ អ្នកអាចទិញវាបាននៅទីនេះ

Quantstamp (QSP) has registered a splendid performance over the past week after registering a rise of over 51%. Interestingly, the coin started dipping after it was listed on Coinbase.

The vigorous price hike over the last 7 days has attracted the attention of investors especially since the majority of the crypto market had been in the red.


ចុះឈ្មោះសម្រាប់ព្រឹត្តិប័ត្រ Invezz ថ្ងៃនេះ។

Because of the increased demand for the Quantstamp (QSP) coin among investors, Invezz has created a brief article to help investors understand what Quantstamp (QSP) is and also assist them in finding the best places where they can buy it.


Best places to buy the Quantstamp (QSP) coin online


eToro គឺជាផ្នែកមួយនៃវេទិកាពាណិជ្ជកម្មពហុទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិឈានមុខគេនៅលើពិភពលោកដែលផ្តល់ជូននូវកម្រៃជើងសារនិងថ្លៃសេវាទាបបំផុតមួយចំនួននៅក្នុងឧស្សាហកម្មនេះ។ វាជាលក្ខណៈពិសេសនៃការធ្វើពាណិជ្ជកម្មចម្លងតាមសង្គមធ្វើឱ្យវាក្លាយជាជម្រើសដ៏ល្អសម្រាប់អ្នកដែលចាប់ផ្តើម។

ទិញ QSP ជាមួយ eToro ថ្ងៃនេះ


Binance បានរីកចម្រើននិទស្សន្តចាប់តាំងពីវាត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងនៅឆ្នាំ 2017 ហើយឥឡូវនេះគឺជាផ្នែកមួយនៃការប្រសិនបើមិនបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ cryptocurrency ធំបំផុតនៅលើទីផ្សារ។

ទិញ QSP ជាមួយ Binance ថ្ងៃនេះ

តើ Quantstamp (QSP) គឺជាអ្វី?

Quantstamp (QSP), commonly referred to as just QSP, is the native token of the Quantstamp blockchain.

In a nutshell, Quantstamp is a blockchain network dedicated to offering blockchain security solutions including security audits.

The Quantstamp is used by several popular blockchains including Ethereum 2.0, Binance, Chainlink, MakerDAO, and eToro.

The QSP is an ERC-20 token and it is used for verifying smart contracts on the Quantstamp security protocol. Users can use the token to buy automated scans of smart contracts from validators. The validators in return earn QSP tokens for providing the scans.

តើខ្ញុំគួរទិញ QSP ថ្ងៃនេះទេ?

If you are looking for a cryptocurrency that has been on a bullish trend over the past week, then you may want to consider QSP.


Quantstamp price prediction

Going by Quantstamp’s bullish price movement over the past week, analysts anticipate the current pullback is short-lived and the coin is most likely to close February above $0.10.

However, it is always important to keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile and it can unleash surprising moves.

$QSP social media coverage




៨០,៦% នៃគណនេយ្យ CFD លក់រាយបាត់បង់លុយ

Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/02/07/quantstamp-qsp-coin-is-up-51-over-the-past-week-you-can-buy-it-here/