Elon Musk និង Tesla កំណត់ការមើលឃើញរបស់ពួកគេលើឧស្សាហកម្មដ៏ពេញនិយមមួយ។

Elon Musk និង Tesla  (TSLA) - ទទួលបានរបាយការណ៍ Tesla Inc completely changed the automotive industry. 

Five years ago, legacy vehicle manufacturers were still skeptical about the turn to electrification. They were hesitant to make big investments, appearing to scoff at the bet made by Musk and Tesla that cleaner vehicles would attract consumers despite their high cost. 

But a few years later, rare are the car manufacturers who do not swear by electrification. Ford  (F) - ទទួលបានរបាយការណ៍របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន Ford Motor went so far as to carry out a Copernican revolution by creating two divisions: one for internal combustion engine (ICE) or gasoline cars, Ford Blue, and another for battery powered vehicles (BEV), Ford e. Incidentally, the Dearborn-based company made it clear that its priority was now Ford e. 

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/technology/tesla-and-elon-musk-want-to-disrupt-a-popular-industry?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo