Meta ណែនាំ Instagram Reels APIs

  • Developers will be able to use the APIs to schedule Reels
  • Meta is expanding the scope of support of Reels to content publishing, insights, comment moderation
  • Developers won’t need to put their app through additional App Review

Meta reported that beginning tomorrow it’s acquainting Reels APIs with a few endpoints on the Instagram Platform for engineers. The organization says it’s presenting the new Reels APIs in the wake of hearing from designer local area Reels is the main concern. 

Meta is growing the extent of help of Reels to content distributing, bits of knowledge, remark control, hashtag search, business revelation, notices and that’s just the beginning.

Engineers will actually want to utilize the APIs to plan Reels and get social connection measurements for Reels. Engineers can likewise distribute Reels on Instagram Business accounts utilizing the new APIs. 

Meta says Reels will become automatically available for developers 

The APIs will likewise allow engineers to answer to remarks, erase remarks, stow away/unhide remarks and impair/empower remarks on Reels. 

Furthermore, designers will actually want to find public Reels that have been labeled with explicit hashtags. Designers can likewise distinguish Reels in which an Instagram Business or Creator’s moniker has been labeled or @mentioned.

The API upgrade will be accessible for the ongoing rendition and all past adaptations of the Instagram Graph API, which permits engineers to interface their application to Instagram’s elements and functionalities. 

Meta says Reels will open up for designers who as of now approach the appropriate APIs. Engineers won’t have to put their application through extra App Review, as long as their application has proactively been supported for the fitting consent access levels.

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25% of Instagram user accounts will have access to all Reels APIs

Beginning tomorrow, around 25% of Instagram client records will approach all Reels APIs. The APIs will progressively carry out to 100 percent of clients by July 6.

The send off of the Reels APIs comes as Meta has been wagering enthusiastic about the short-structure video highlight. 

As a feature of its Q1 2022 income, the organization uncovered that Reels currently makes up over 20% of the time that individuals spend on Instagram. At that point, Mark Zuckerberg illustrated that since beginning Facebook a long time back, the organization has seen various changes in the media types that individuals use and that short-structure video is hands down the most recent emphasis and is developing rapidly. 

He framed that while Meta is seeing an expansion in the short-structure video, it’s likewise seeing a significant change in the progression of AI proposals driving a greater amount of its feeds, for the two posts and Reels.

He explained that feeds are going from being solely organized by clients’ groups of friends to being suggested by AI. TikTok’s strong proposal calculation is one reason behind its gigantic prevalence, which is the reason it’s a good idea for Meta to zero in on upgrading its own suggestion frameworks to get individuals to cooperate with Reels more, and thus, be better adjusted to rival TikTok.

ប្រកាសចុងក្រោយដោយ Andrew Smith (ឃើញ​ទាំងអស់)
