Sam Bankman-Fried បានបញ្ជាឱ្យត្រលប់ទៅពន្ធនាគារ Bahamian វិញដោយការភ្ញាក់ផ្អើល


Sam Bankman-Fried, the former billionaire crypto wunderkind now jailed in the Bahamas and facing a litany of criminal charges for alleged fraud, did not agree to extradition back to the U.S. as expected in a Monday court hearing, yet another dramatic turn in one of the highest-profile white-collar criminal sagas in American history.


កន្លែងលក់ជាច្រើន។ រាយការណ៍ over the weekend that Bankman-Fried would drop his opposition to the handover to American authorities during a Monday court appearance in the Bahamian capital of Nassau, with Bloomberg រាយការណ៍ he expected to be extradited as soon as Monday.

But confusion reigned at the hearing which ultimately ended with a local judge ordering back to Bahamian jail: Bankman-Fried បាននិយាយថា: before the court he was ready for extradition, which his lawyer Jerone Roberts said came as a complete surprise, according to ស្ថានីយទូរទស្សន៍ CNBCនេះ កាសែត New York Times និង ទីភ្នាក់ងារ Bloomberg.

Bankman-Fried later flip-flopped and requested to see a copy of his U.S. indictment before agreeing to extradition, according to the outlets.

The 30-year-old Californian’s net worth swelled to as much as 26.5 ពាន់លាន $ as his Bahamas-based crypto exchange FTX and crypto-focused trading firm Alameda Research dominated the burgeoning industry, before his empire went up in flames last month following revelations about unsound and potentially illegal activity at the two firms.

Bahamian authorities arrested Bankman-Fried late Monday, just hours after he បានប្រាប់ ទស្សនាវដ្តី Forbes it was not yet the “time and place” to think about any legal fallout.

Bankman-Fried’s New York-based lawyer Mark S. Cohen did not respond to ទស្សនាវដ្តី Forbes'ស្នើសុំយោបល់


Bankman-Fried faces eight criminal charges in the U.S., including conspiracy to commit money laundering and to commit wire, securities and commodities fraud, as well as conspiracy to violate U.S. campaign finance laws for using FTX customer money to fund his tens of millions of dollars in political donations (he has denied knowingly breaking the law in interviews). Bankman-Fried resigned as FTX CEO and the company បានដាក់ពាក្យស្នើសុំក្ស័យធន on November 11 amid the collapse of the exchange’s crypto token FTT after reports revealed much of Alameda’s holdings were in FTT—which has little inherent value outside of a vote of confidence in the exchange.


When Bankman-Fried’s plea hearing and subsequent potential trial will take place. Any legal proceedings involving Bankman-Fried will surely attract a great deal of attention, and Bankman-Fried’s alleged schemes ប្រៀបធៀប to those of Bernie Madoff, architect of the largest Ponzi scheme ever who died in prison last year while serving a 150-year prison sentence, and Elizabeth Holmes, the former billionaire founder of blood testing company Theranos who បានទទួល an 11-year prison sentence last month for defrauding Theranos investors.


របាយការណ៍បាននិយាយថា Sam Bankman-Fried នឹងមិនប្រឆាំងនឹងកិច្ចខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងធ្វើបត្យាប័នដោយសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកទេ។ (ទស្សនាវដ្តី Forbes)

Sam Bankman-Fried ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​បដិសេធ​មិន​ឱ្យ​នៅ​ក្រៅ​ឃុំ និង​ត្រូវ​ជាប់​ពន្ធនាគារ​រហូត​ដល់​ខែ​កុម្ភៈ (ទស្សនាវដ្តី Forbes)

Sam Bankman-Fried ត្រូវបានចោទប្រកាន់ពីបទឧក្រិដ្ឋចំនួនប្រាំបី រួមទាំងការក្លែងបន្លំខ្សែភ្លើង និងការរំលោភលើហិរញ្ញវត្ថុយុទ្ធនាការ (ទស្សនាវដ្តី Forbes)

ប្រតិចារិកផ្តាច់មុខ៖ សក្ខីកម្មពេញលេញ Bankman-Fried គ្រោងនឹងផ្តល់ឱ្យសភា (ទស្សនាវដ្តី Forbes)
