Uber និង Lyft អាចចាត់ទុកអ្នកបើកបរជាអ្នកម៉ៅការឯករាជ្យ ច្បាប់របស់តុលាការកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា


Companies like Uber and Lyft can continue to treat their California-based drivers as independent contractors, a state appeals court ruled on Monday, mostly upholding a ballot measure called Proposition 22 that carved out special exceptions for ride hailing and delivery services from a 2019 California labor law that would have forced them to provide benefits to their drivers.


The San Francisco Appeal Court’s ruling overturned a 2021 lower court verdict that deemed Proposition 22 as unenforceable and unconstitutional under California law.

Appellate court’s decision means that drivers working for app-based ride hailing and delivery platforms like Uber, Lyft and Postmates will not be entitled to benefits like paid sick leave and health insurance from the companies.

The companies, however, will not be able to stop their drivers from joining a labor union to collectively bargain for better pay and benefits, the court ruled.

Monday’s ruling could still be appealed to the California Supreme Court.


Reacting to the verdict, Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, the leader of the California Labor Federation, បាននិយាយថា:: “Today the Appeals Court chose to stand with powerful corporations over working people, allowing companies to buy their way out of our state’s labor laws and undermine our state constitution. Our system is broken. It would be an understatement to say we are disappointed by this decision.”

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/03/14/uber-and-lyft-can-treat-drivers-as-independent-contractors-california-court-rule/