វិចិត្រករ 3D NFT Gal Yosef និង Eden Gallery ចាប់ផ្តើមការប្រមូល Meta Eagle Club

The involvement of the internationally acclaimed Eden Gallery in Gal Yosef’s Meta Eagle Club adds a new dimension to NFTs. Meta Eagle Club will feature an evolving artistic vision, exclusive physical gallery events, upscale art, and strong community building.

Non-fungible tokens represent a multi-billion dollar industry, yet it is constantly evolving and growing. The upcoming Meta Eagle Club NFT collection illustrates there is still much more to achieve in this industry. Supporting NFT collectors by providing them with physical artwork through Edgen Gallery and its groundbreaking NFT studio RNSNC are just some examples of how NFTs can gain utility.

Gal Yosef, world-renowned for his 3D artworks, has a long-term vision for this upcoming collection. Gal is also the Crypto Bulls Society collection artist, which sold out immediately and has yielded over $50 million in sales to date. Moreover, he has worked alongside A-listers, including Justin Bieber and DJ Steve Aoki.

All of that hard work has elevated Gal Yosef to a role model in 3D NFT art. His works always feature incredible detail and life-like cartoon avatars. The NFT industry needs to benefit from highlighting accredited artists, as they are the ones who can take non-fungible tokens into the mainstream.

With the help of Eden Gallery, Gal Yosef’s Meta Eagle Club will become the first installment of a series of his own collections. Those collections will all be part of the Galyverse, a digital art world. Meta Eagle Club will feature 12,000 captivating eagle avatars.

Gal Yosef explains his choice for using eagles in this collection:

“ខ្ញុំកំពុងស្វែងរកតួអង្គដែលអាចជួយបង្ហាញរូបតំណាងដែលមានមន្តស្នេហ៍ ប៉ុន្តែក៏ជាតួអង្គដែលកក់ក្តៅ និងលើកទឹកចិត្តដល់អ្នកដទៃផងដែរ។ ឥន្ទ្រីដែលបង្ហាញជានិមិត្តរូបនៃសេរីភាពនៅក្នុងវប្បធម៌ផ្សេងៗគ្នា ឥន្ទ្រីដែលចេញពីនគរសត្វទាំងមូលក៏តំណាងឱ្យបេះដូងរឹងមាំ និងក្លាហានផងដែរ។ ការ​ធ្វើ​ការ​លើ​ស្លាប និង​រោម​បាន​អនុញ្ញាត​ឱ្យ​ខ្ញុំ​ឡើង​ខ្ពស់​និង​ស្វែង​រក​កម្ពស់​ថ្មី​ក្នុង​សិល្បៈ 3D»។

Cultivating an environment combining community building and upscale art is the primary purpose of Meta Eagle Club. Eagle avatar owners will access physical artwork through Eden Gallery and its NFT studio RNSNC. Additionally, NFT holders will also benefit from VIP flights around the world and additional aviation-related experiences.

The Meta Eagle Club NFT sale event is coming soon. For upcoming whitelistings and event timelines, check out the Official Galyverse Website, Galyverse Discord channel, Instagram, and Twitter.

អំពី Gal Yosef

A self-taught prodigy in the field of 3D art and digital sculpting, Gal Yosef specializes in reimagined designs of well-loved cartoon characters and avatars forged from his own imagination. Curiosity and passion for painting and drawing inspired Gal to begin experimenting with 3D design when he was just 12 years old. Gal Yosef’s art continues to evolve in the style of his latest pieces, depicting a darker, avant-garde version of an imagined cartooniverse.

Gal បានវិវត្តន៍អាជីពរបស់គាត់ ពីម្ចាស់ស្ទូឌីយ៉ូឌីជីថលដែលមានឯកទេសខាងសិល្បៈ 3D ទៅជាវិចិត្រករដែលទទួលស្គាល់ដោយវិចិត្រសាល ដែលជាសិល្បករដែលនិយាយច្រើនជាងគេបំផុតនៅ Art Basel ចុងក្រោយនៅទីក្រុង Miami ។

អំពីវិចិត្រសាល Eden

Since its foundation in 1997, Eden Gallery has evolved into one of the largest global networks of high-end art galleries. Collectively, Eden artists represent and promote contemporary optimism and a colorful view of life.

Eden ផ្តល់កន្លែងដាក់វិចិត្រសាលដំបូងគេ រួមទាំងទីតាំងនៅ New York, London, Miami, Mykonos, Aspen និងបើកឆាប់ៗនេះក្នុងទីក្រុងឌូបៃ។

អំពី RNSNC

RNSNC (renaissance) គឺជាយុគសម័យថ្មីនៃសិល្បៈ។ បេសកកម្មរបស់វាគឺដើម្បីភ្ជាប់សិល្បៈ បច្ចេកវិទ្យា និងភាពប្រណីត ដោយភ្ជាប់បុគ្គលដែលមានគំនិតដូចគ្នាទៅនឹងយុគសម័យថ្មីនៃសិល្បៈ។ ប្រតិបត្តិការនៅទូទាំងពិភពលោក និងសហការជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនល្បីៗមួយចំនួននៅក្នុងឧស្សាហកម្ម ឧបករណ៍ប្រើប្រាស់ និងអត្ថប្រយោជន៍មានច្រើន។




Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/company/3d-nft-artist-gal-yosef-and-eden-gallery-launch-the-meta-eagle-club-collection/