BNB/USD គោរពការគាំទ្ររយៈពេលវែងឡើងលើ ដើម្បីឱ្យសុទិដ្ឋិនិយមរបស់ TAMA ឆ្ពោះទៅទិសខាងជើង

ចូលរួមជាមួយយើង Telegram ឆានែលដើម្បីបន្តធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពលើការផ្សាយព័ត៌មានទាន់ហេតុការណ៍

BNB/USD price action continues its upside value retracement. This is happening after paying respect to a long-standing upward slopping Support.

Binance Coins Analysis Statistics Data:
Binance Coins’ value now: $277.88
BNB/USD market cap: $44.98 billion
BNB/USD moving supply: 161.34 billion
The overall supply of Binance Coin: 161.34 billion
Binance Coins Coinmarketcap ranking: #5

To this effect we shall further analyze this market, to better predict future price moves. Additionally, we’ll examine the BNB/BTC market also. This will also help traders here to correctly anticipate value movement in this market.

កម្រិតកំពូល៖ $277.88, $300, $340
កម្រិត Bese៖ $250.20, $220.30, $199.76

BNB Bullish Reversal, TAMA Brings a More Lucrative Market BNB/USD price activity has started a correction off the long-established upward slopping support. This reversal

BNB Bullish Reversal, TAMA Brings a More Lucrative Market

BNB / ដុល្លារ price activity has started a correction off the long-established upward slopping support. This reversal started recently and price candles have moved closer to the EMA curves. Also, the Stochastic RSI has corrected to initiate a reversal towards the overbought region. By the reading on the RSI and the closeness of the bullish candle to the EMA curves, the price of Binance Coin will trend further upwards. This is because going by the RSI reading, this uptrend will continue, and at that price candle will cross above the EMA curves. Traders can expect that price to retrace soon at $300.

BNB Bullish Reversal, TAMA Brings a More Lucrative Market BNB/USD price activity has started a correction off the long-established upward slopping support. This reversal

Binance Coin Value Analysis: BNB/BTC Advances Towards Higher Resistance

The BNB/BTC market is set for more upside moves with the formation of an inverted hammer candlestick. Additionally, this candle has just formed above the 9/21 days EMA curves. Furthermore, this curves appears to be on the verge of crossing each other to initiate further value upside moves.

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Additionally, Looking at the RSI indicator, this indicator can be seen pointing generally upwards. Although, there appears to be a moderate correction in the direction of the faster line towards the slower one. However, going by the position of the price candle and the Exponential Moving Average, traders can expect value to retrace near 0.014400.

Tamadoge បានបញ្ចប់ដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំពីរនៃការលក់ជាមុនក្នុងរយៈពេលមួយខែបន្ទាប់ពីវាបានចាប់ផ្តើម។ និមិត្តសញ្ញា TAMA មានតម្លៃ 1 USDT = 40 TAMA ក្នុងដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំពីរនេះ។ បន្ទាប់ពីសម្រេចបាននូវចំណុចសំខាន់ចំនួន 13.25 លានដុល្លារ តម្លៃរបស់សញ្ញាសម្ងាត់បានកោតសរសើរដល់ 1 USDT = 36.36 TAMA ដែលឥឡូវនេះជាដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំបី។ ដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំបីនឹងបញ្ចប់ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះ ប្រសិនបើតម្រូវការនៅតែបន្តកើនឡើងតាមអត្រាដែលខ្លួនបានធ្វើកាលពីខែមុន។ ដំណាក់កាលបន្ទាប់នឹងជាដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំបួន និងចុងក្រោយ។ តម្លៃក៏នឹងខ្ពស់ជាងក្នុងដំណាក់កាលនេះផងដែរ 1 USDT = 33.33 TAMA tokens ។


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និមិត្តសញ្ញា Tamadoge
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  • ការផ្គត់ផ្គង់លើសចំនួន 2 Bn, ការដុត Token
  • ហ្គេម Metaverse ផ្អែកលើ NFT
  • លក់បន្តផ្ទាល់ឥឡូវនេះ -

និមិត្តសញ្ញា Tamadoge

ចូលរួមជាមួយយើង Telegram ឆានែលដើម្បីបន្តធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពលើការផ្សាយព័ត៌មានទាន់ហេតុការណ៍
