កម្លាំងចុះក្រោមធ្វើសកម្មភាពលើ DOT/USD, TAMA ដឹកនាំ Skywards

ចូលរួមជាមួយយើង Telegram ឆានែលដើម្បីបន្តធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពលើការផ្សាយព័ត៌មានទាន់ហេតុការណ៍

After DOT’s price action retraced above the $7.75 level, it then performed a downward reversal movement. The reversal initially caused a loss of about 7.1% loss in value. Furthermore, the price soon picked up from there in what seems like a bullish reversal. However, that hope was cut short, as selling pressure soon became active once more.

ទិន្នន័យស្ថិតិព្យាករណ៍របស់ Polkadot៖
DOT’s current price: $6.93
Polkadot’s market cap: $7.84 billion
Polkadot’s circulating supply: 1.12 billion
The overall supply of Polkadot: 1.23 billion
ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ Coinmarketcap របស់ DOT: #11

In this analysis, we shall closely examine signs given by trading indicators. This will be done to derive a better way to handle this market. Additionally, we shall also examine the DOT/BTC market, with the same aim as that of the DOT/USD market.

កម្រិតតស៊ូ៖ ៤៦០.០០ ដុល្លារ, ៥៣២.០០ ដុល្លារ, ៥៩៥.០០ ដុល្លារ
កម្រិតគាំទ្រ៖ $6.93, $6.50, $6.20

Downward Forces Stays Active In DOT/USD Market, TAMA Heads Skywards

DOT Stays Depressed, FOMO on TAMA

After a short break in DOT / USD downtrend, selling pressure resumes and aims at tearing down lower support. The most recent price candle on this chart signals a strong selling pressure, which has further sunk the price to $6.93. Also, the Stochastic RSI keeps signaling that sellers are active in this market, as its lines plunges towards the oversold area. Consequently, this may cause Polkadot’s price to fall lower to around $6.70. Therefore, traders may consider executing a sell order to avoid further losses. While traders wishing to enter can position a buy order just above the $7.27.

Downward Forces Stays Active In DOT/USD Market, TAMA Heads Skywards

Polkadot Price Analysis: DOT/BTC May Minimally Correct Downwards

The DOT/BTC daily chart portrays better signs than that of the DOT/USD. Nevertheless, It appears as if possibilities of a downward retracement may be showing up here. We can perceive that the last candle on this chart formed bearish after a bigger bullish one was formed. This may be pointing to a possible downward correction, although this might be a minimal one.

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Nevertheless, the Stochastic RSI keeps revealing that buyers are gathering more momentum. However, the curves of this Indicator is still very much under the overbought area of 27.96% and 18.13% precisely. The behavior of the RSI and candle formation may be conflicting at this point. Consequently, Traders might lay in wait to see if the price action will resume an uptrend, by placing a pending entry order around 0.0003597.

Tamadoge បានបញ្ចប់ដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំពីរនៃការលក់ជាមុនក្នុងរយៈពេលមួយខែបន្ទាប់ពីវាបានចាប់ផ្តើម។ និមិត្តសញ្ញា TAMA មានតម្លៃ 1 USDT = 40 TAMA ក្នុងដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំពីរនេះ។ បន្ទាប់ពីសម្រេចបាននូវចំណុចសំខាន់ចំនួន 13.25 លានដុល្លារ តម្លៃរបស់សញ្ញាសម្ងាត់បានកោតសរសើរដល់ 1 USDT = 36.36 TAMA ដែលឥឡូវនេះជាដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំបី។ ដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំបីនឹងបញ្ចប់ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះ ប្រសិនបើតម្រូវការនៅតែបន្តកើនឡើងតាមអត្រាដែលខ្លួនបានធ្វើកាលពីខែមុន។ ដំណាក់កាលបន្ទាប់នឹងជាដំណាក់កាលទីប្រាំបួន និងចុងក្រោយ។ តម្លៃក៏នឹងខ្ពស់ជាងក្នុងដំណាក់កាលនេះផងដែរ 1 USDT = 33.33 TAMA tokens ។


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  • ទទួលបាន TAMA ក្នុងសមរភូមិជាមួយសត្វចិញ្ចឹម Doge
  • ការផ្គត់ផ្គង់លើសចំនួន 2 Bn, ការដុត Token
  • ហ្គេម Metaverse ផ្អែកលើ NFT
  • លក់បន្តផ្ទាល់ឥឡូវនេះ - tamadoge.io

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ចូលរួមជាមួយយើង Telegram ឆានែលដើម្បីបន្តធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពលើការផ្សាយព័ត៌មានទាន់ហេតុការណ៍

Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/downward-forces-acting-on-dot-usd-tama-heads-skywards