Gala's Web3 Game Grit អាចចូលប្រើបានចំពោះអ្នកលេង 194M+ របស់ Epic Games Store

Gala Games, a pioneer in web3 entertainment, announced today that it continues to lead the way for blockchain games by publishing its titles on the Epic Games Store.

With Epic Games Store’s more than 194 million users, ការប្រកួតហែលទឹក will bring web3 games to the masses, exposing millions of gamers to this new genre of entertainment and solidifying Gala’s place as the leader in the burgeoning Web3 games industry.   

ការ​ប្រកាស​នេះ​ធ្វើ​ឡើង​បន្ទាប់​ពី​ការ​ប្រកាស​ដំបូង និង​គួរ​ឱ្យ​កត់​សម្គាល់​មួយ​ចំនួន​សម្រាប់​ក្រុមហ៊ុន Web3 ។ Gala ថ្មីៗនេះបានប្រកាស web3 ដំបូង អ្នកបាញ់មនុស្សដំបូង (FPS) ដោយស្ទូឌីយ៉ូ AAA បានចាប់ផ្តើមដំណើរការ វេទិកាតន្ត្រី Galaហើយបានប្រកាសពីការបើកដំណើរការនាពេលខាងមុខរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន ធុងពីងពាងដែលជា NFT Esport ដំបូងគេរបស់ពិភពលោក។

“Epic is a pioneer and visionary in the video game industry. Gala Games’ titles being available on the Epic Game Store brings legitimacy to this new genre of gaming,” said John Osvald, President of Games at Gala Games.

“Easy access to Web3 games is a turning point for those players who have not yet seen how digital ownership can enrich the gaming experience.”

កាឡា ហ្គីតដែលជាការប្រកួតរាជវង្សជិះឬស្លាប់ដែលបានកំណត់នៅក្នុង Wild West នឹងក្លាយជាហ្គេម blockchain សម្ពោធដែលមាននៅលើ Epic Games Store ។ ហ្គីត is a core battle royale game built on the Unreal Engine with realistic physics and unique twists.

Players need to saddle up, ride and fight through town, building the best poker hand from found weapons to make a killing. Every game of ហ្គីត is different, from Train Chase mode to Golden Horse, and will test players’ skills and strategy against other players in epic showdowns and shootouts.

Players face off against a gang of gunslingers with more than 400 old-school gun variations. Play modes include solo, duo, and squad.

Showdowns take place on horseback to steam engine train tops, so players need to make sure their arsenal is ready for the deadly Calamity. Fans can wishlist the free game, launching later in 2022.  

To celebrate Galaverse (June 6-9, 2022) starting today in Malta, Gala Games will be offering a special sale of “The Gunslinger Box,” which will unlock one of 10,000 ហ្គីត avatars. Each character has its own specific perks and attributes that the owner can play as in-game.

Attributes are generative and will provide a unique look to each character. Owners will be able to take with them in-game their preferred loadout of specific weapons’ skins, providing them an advantage over their counterparts.

The sale starts today for Galaverse attendees and opens up gradually across the week: Node Owners get access on June 7th and Gala Gold on June 8th. The public will have “The Gunslinger Box” sale access on June 9th. Each group will have access to the sale for a duration of 12 hours.

“នៅទីនេះក្នុងក្រុម GRIT, we are invested in this new ecosystem and see all the value that Web3 can bring to the gameplay experience,” said Jon Mavor, Chief Technical Officer at Team GRIT. 

“We are excited to be working with Gala Games and by our presence on the Epic Games Store. Web3 will make players’ experiences in the Wild West even better.”

ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតបន្ថែមអំពី ហ្គីត នឹងត្រូវបានបង្ហាញក្នុងអំឡុងពេលនៃ Galaverse ថ្ងៃទី 6-8 ខែមិថុនានៅប្រទេសម៉ាល់តា។


Gala Games is a Web3 games company that uses decentralization, player ownership, and reward economies to create a revolutionary new way of gaming.

With dozens of games on the horizon and several already in various stages of presale or beta play, Gala is quickly becoming the world’s leader in own-your-experience gaming. Learn more at Gala.Games.

អំពី Team Grit

Team GRIT គឺជាក្រុមហ៊ុនអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ និងបោះពុម្ពហ្គេមថ្មីដែលបង្កើតឡើងដោយអ្នកខាងក្នុងឧស្សាហកម្មជើងចាស់ Bob Berry និង Jon Mavor ដែលជាអ្នកបង្កើត ការដកហូតនូវភព និង ការប្រយុទ្ធនៅរាត្រីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ.

Based out of Seattle, the development team is committed to making fun and engaging titles that bring players together. Their first game, ហ្គីតគឺ​ជា Old West battle Royale។


ព័ត៌មានល្បែង | ព​ត៍​មាន​ក្រុមហ៊ុន


រាល់ព័ត៌មានទាំងអស់ដែលមាននៅលើគេហទំព័ររបស់យើងត្រូវបានផ្សព្វផ្សាយដោយស្មោះត្រង់និងសម្រាប់គោលបំណងព័ត៌មានទូទៅតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ សកម្មភាពណាមួយដែលអ្នកអានអនុវត្តលើព័ត៌មានដែលរកឃើញនៅលើគេហទំព័ររបស់យើងគឺប្រឈមនឹងហានិភ័យរបស់ពួកគេ។
