នេះជាអ្វីដែលអាចជំរុញឱ្យ Mainnet Launch ក្នុងមួយ Tim Harrison ជា 40% នៃ SPO Upgrades ទៅ Vasil Node

ទឹមហារីសុន។, VP of community and ecosystem at Cardano’s IOG, has shared what might trigger the Vasil mainnet launch in response to a Twitter user who asked “how long the event might take after the requested percentage was met.”

The question asked by the Cardano user followed a Twitter post on stake pool operators updating their nodes to the latest version 1.35.3.

At the time of publication, 41% of nodes are running on v.1.35.3, per pool tool analytics. For the Vasil implementation, 75% of the nodes must be on version 1.35.3.

While much of the focus has been on block producers running 1.35.3, Tim Harrison highlights other readiness metrics to consider. He notes that regarding the ”node readiness,” SPOs are currently making good progress, but the aim remains to have 75% of block producers running 1.35.3. Speaking on the exchanges’ readiness, he noted that as of early next week, exchanges might start reporting their status.


Likewise, when the top 10 Cardano dApps update to the latest version, Vasil might be set to launch on the mainnet.

Vasil draws closer

នេះ ធ្វើឱ្យប្រសើរឡើង Vasil hopes to bring greater functionality, performance, scalability and interoperability to Cardano through new features and improvements.

The upgrade will enhance smart contracts and is a part of the Basho phase of the Cardano roadmap, which concentrates on scaling and network and ledger optimization, thus enhancing the ledger in numerous ways. Vasil HFC will introduce eagerly awaited features like diffusion pipelining and improvements to Plutus, Cardano’s core smart contract language.

According to IOG, from a variety of perspectives, the work on Vasil continues to be the most complex program of development and integration to date. This is because it necessitates close coordination across the ecosystem, in addition to requiring a lot of effort from core teams.

Source: https://u.today/cardano-heres-what-might-prompt-mainnet-launch-per-tim-harrison-as-40-of-spo-upgrades-to-vasil-node