NTT DOCOMO និង Accenture សហការគ្នាដើម្បីពន្លឿនការទទួលយក Web3

Companies will address technology challenges and train talent to apply Web3 to solve social issues

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–NTT DOCOMO and Accenture (NYSE: ACN) are collaborating to accelerate the adoption and application of Web3 for addressing social issues.

Web3 is a new iteration of the web driven by blockchain technology. It has the potential to form a new digital economy with a greater social impact than conventional economies, providing clearly defined benefits and secure environments for success.

Together, NTT DOCOMO and Accenture will:

  • Promote ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Issues. Diverse and long-term stakeholder collaboration is necessary to help solve many societal issues, including those related to regional development. The two companies will create case studies for addressing ESG issues — including the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Establish a secure technology platform for Web3. Web3 is a way of utilizing technologies to enable new products, services, and community building. The companies will work together to develop and grow a secure technology platform that creates an environment where people can use these new technologies easily and safely. The work together will identify and resolve the challenges facing these emerging technologies.
  • Develop talent. To address the growing demand for Web3 talent, the companies will provide training courses for those interested in working in the Web3 field, including engineers and business leaders. This approach will create a community for professionals and organizations alike to learn and gain practical experience in Web3.

NTT ដូកូម៉ូ will bring its expertise in telecommunications networks and digital services, as well as its experience working on society-wide issues. Accenture will help build an operational foundation for the initiatives with a view to future global expansion, leveraging the knowledge gained through its work on regional development efforts, including that with Aizu Wakamatsu City in Fukushima.

Web3 is already being used in Japan to provide valuable solutions for society. For instance, it’s being used to help companies and government streamline the carbon credit markets as a way to address climate change.

The ultimate goal of the collaboration between NTT DOCOMO and Accenture is to facilitate the adoption of Web3 globally — enabling everyone to enjoy its advantages and benefits — while positioning Japan as a leading Web3 market.

Motoyuki Ii, president & CEO, NTT DOCOMO said, “Web3 is the most impactful technological development since the Internet. DOCOMO, in collaboration with Accenture, will revolutionize social infrastructure by utilizing blockchain and building a safe and secure Web3 environment. We will build an environment where the power of creators and developers can come together. We are glad to be promoting the Japan-developed Web3, and we welcome individuals and companies to join us in the global development of Web3 services.”

Atsushi Egawa, a senior managing director at Accenture who leads its business in Japan, said, “Our collaboration with NTT DOCOMO is designed to create an industry platform leveraging blockchain and other digital technologies. At Accenture, we use digital technologies to help our clients achieve 360° value — which includes issues related to sustainability, inclusion and diversity, and delivering exceptional experiences. We will help accelerate adoption of Web3 by leveraging the expertise we have gained in regional development through our collaborations with stakeholders from industry, government and academia.”


NTT DOCOMO ដែលជាប្រតិបត្តិករទូរស័ព្ទចល័តឈានមុខគេរបស់ប្រទេសជប៉ុនដែលមានការជាវជាង 84 លាននាក់ គឺជាអ្នករួមចំណែកដ៏សំខាន់បំផុតរបស់ពិភពលោកចំពោះបច្ចេកវិទ្យាបណ្តាញទូរស័ព្ទចល័ត 3G, 4G និង 5G ។ លើសពីសេវាកម្មទំនាក់ទំនងស្នូល DOCOMO កំពុងប្រឈមមុខនឹងព្រំដែនថ្មី ដោយសហការជាមួយអង្គភាពជាច្រើន (ដៃគូ “+d”) បង្កើតសេវាកម្មបន្ថែមដ៏គួរឱ្យរំភើប និងងាយស្រួល ដែលផ្លាស់ប្តូររបៀបរស់នៅ និងការងាររបស់មនុស្ស។ ក្រោមផែនការរយៈពេលមធ្យមឆ្ពោះទៅឆ្នាំ 2020 និងលើសពីនេះ DOCOMO កំពុងត្រួសត្រាយបណ្តាញ 5G ឈានមុខគេ ដើម្បីជួយសម្រួលដល់សេវាកម្មប្រកបដោយភាពច្នៃប្រឌិតដែលនឹងធ្វើឱ្យអតិថិជនភ្ញាក់ផ្អើល និងបំផុសគំនិតលើសពីការរំពឹងទុករបស់ពួកគេ។


Accenture គឺជាក្រុមហ៊ុនសេវាកម្មជំនាញលំដាប់ពិភពលោក ដែលមានសមត្ថភាពឈានមុខគេក្នុងវិស័យឌីជីថល ពពក និងសុវត្ថិភាព។ ដោយរួមបញ្ចូលគ្នានូវបទពិសោធន៍ដែលមិនអាចប្រៀបផ្ទឹមបាន និងជំនាញឯកទេសនៅទូទាំងឧស្សាហកម្មជាង 40 យើងផ្តល់ជូននូវសេវាកម្មយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រ និងប្រឹក្សា បច្ចេកវិទ្យា និងប្រតិបត្តិការ និង Accenture Song — ទាំងអស់ដំណើរការដោយបណ្តាញដ៏ធំបំផុតរបស់ពិភពលោកនៃមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលបច្ចេកវិទ្យាកម្រិតខ្ពស់ និងមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលប្រតិបត្តិការឆ្លាតវៃ។ មនុស្ស 721,000 នាក់របស់យើងផ្តល់ការសន្យានៃបច្ចេកវិទ្យា និងភាពប៉ិនប្រសប់របស់មនុស្សជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ ដោយបម្រើអតិថិជនជាង 120 ប្រទេស។ យើងទទួលយកថាមពលនៃការផ្លាស់ប្តូរដើម្បីបង្កើតតម្លៃ និងភាពជោគជ័យរួមគ្នាសម្រាប់អតិថិជន ប្រជាជន ម្ចាស់ភាគហ៊ុន ដៃគូ និងសហគមន៍របស់យើង។ ទស្សនាពួកយើងនៅ

រក្សាសិទ្ធិ© ២០២១ ការសង្កត់សំឡេង។ រក្សា​រ​សិទ្ធ​គ្រប់យ៉ាង។ Accenture និងរូបសញ្ញារបស់វាគឺជាពាណិជ្ជសញ្ញារបស់ Accenture ។


Ryoichi Sakurai or Yasutaka Imai

NTT ដូកូម៉ូ

+81 3 5156 1366


Kentaro Kanda

Accenture ប្រទេសជប៉ុន

+81 45 330 7157

